ASTM Pipes & Fittings

ASTM Pipes & Fittings

Finolex ASTM Pipes are manufactured using the latest technology and high-grade raw material.

These pipes are ideal for transportation and distribution of water in households including potable water, industrial process lines, saltwater lines, swimming pools, pipes used for hand pumps, and in down-take lines in plumbing systems.

Manufactured with added strength and crafting precision, Finolex PVC-U pipes have a prolonged life advantage over conventional pipes surpassing most or all traditional metal and other plastic pipes.

This lightweight product’s abrasion resistance, mechanical strength, toughness, and durability are the key reasons why we are a leader in housing and potable water applications in the plumbing industry.

These pipes are manufactured using a lead-free compound and are environment and health friendly.

Our stringent quality assurance approach across all stages of manufacturing gives this product a high degree of reliability, making Finolex ASTM plumbing pipes a preferred choice of leading MEP consultants, architects, builders, plumbing contractors, plumbers, and quality conscious people across the country.

Manufactured in accordance with ASTM D 1785 standards, these pipes are available in Schedule 40 & 80 series, in standard lengths of 3 and 6 meters, with options of plain or threaded ends.

Astm Pipes
Features & Benefits
  • Lead-free pipes
  • Meets global standards for housing and industry applications
    Meets global standards for housing and industry applications
  • UV Stabilized, ensuring protection from direct sunlight
  • Tough, durable, and immune to termites, fungus and bacteria
  • Corrosion-free and chemical resistant
  • Ideal for potable water transportation


Finolex ASTM plumbing pipes are designed for potable water distribution as well as plumbing applications. Note: Not suitable for compressed air and gases.

ASTM Pipe Applications: Sugar, paper and distillery lines
Sugar, paper and distillery lines
ASTM Pipe Applications: Cold water plumbing applications
Cold water plumbing applications
Applications: Piping systems for swimming pools
Piping systems for swimming pools.
Applications: Pipes for hand pumps
Pipes for hand pumps.
ASTM Pipe Applications: Water distributions mains
Water distributions mains
Applications: Industrial process lines
Industrial process lines (based on chemical resistance chart)

Technical Details


PVC-U ASTM Plumbing pipes can be used at higher pressure ratings for a water temperature of 23°C. As the
temperature of water increases, the working pressure reduces (e.g. if the working pressure is 100% at 23°C, it will be 50% at 45°C and only 22% at 60°C). These pipes may be used for water temperatures up to 45°C. However, occasional rise in temperature does not have any adverse effect on the life of the product.

Service Temperature (°C) 23 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
% of working pressure 100 90 75 62 50 40 30 22


Thermal expansion of PVC is roughly 4.5 to 5 times more than metallic pipes. As long as PVC-U ASTM plumbing pipes are buried & are used for conveying cold water, thermal changes do not have any adverse effect on the durability. But in case of exposed lines & for high fluid temperatures, thermal expansion & contractions need to be considered.

The change in the length of a pipeline can be calculated as : 

δl = α × L δt

Where δl : Change in length in mm
α : Coefficient of linear expansion of PVC
L : Length of pipe in mm (at Ambient Temperature)
δt  : Difference between ambient temperature & maximum operating temperature.


1. Measuring : Measure the required length of pipe and marking done.
2. Cutting : The pipe must be cut in a square shape. The base of the fitting socket needs a rubber ring to seal it, since an angled cut may result in leakage.
3. Deburring & Chamfering : All the burr must be removed from the inside and outside of the pipe with a knife, file or de-burring tool. A 10° – 15° chamfer must be made at the end of the pipe.
4. Cleaning : The surface dirt, grease or moisture must be removed with a clean dry cloth.
5. Check Dry Fit : Using light pressure, the pipe should be inserted one third to half the way into the socket. Note that pipes and fittings that are too tight or too loose should not be used.


6. Solvent Cement Application : An even layer of cement should be applied to the outer side of the pipe and a medium layer of the plumbing solvent cement to the inside of a fitting.
7. Assembly : Join the pipe and fitting socket till in contact with the socket bottom. Hold the pipe and fitting together until the pipe does not retract. The excess cement can be removed from the exterior surface of the pipe and fitting. A properly made joint will show a continuous bead of cement around the perimeter of the pipe and fitting.



Set schedule is the necessary time to be allowed before the joint can be carefully handled.
(In damp or humid weather allow 50% more set time.)

Temperature Range Pipe Sizes Pipe Sizes Pipe Sizes
Temperature range
during assembly and
setting period
½” to 1¼” 1½” to 2” 2½” to 8”
16°C to 38°C 2 minutes 5 minutes 30 minutes
5°C to 16°C 5 minutes 10 minutes 2 hours
-18°C to 5°C 10 minutes 15 minutes 12 hours



Joint Cure Schedule is the necessary time to be allowed before pressurizing the system.
(In damp or humid weather allow 50% more set time.)


Temperature Range Pipe Sizes Pipe Sizes Pipe Sizes
Temperature range
during assembly and
setting period
½” to 1¼” 1½” to 2” 2½” to 8”
Up to 11
11 to 22
Up to 11
11 to 22
Up to 11
11 to 22
16°C to 38°C 15 minutes 6 hours 30 minutes 12 hours 1½ hours 24 hours
5°C to 16°C 20 minutes 12 hours 45 minutes 24 hours 4 hours 48 hours
-18°C to 5°C 30 minutes 48 hours 1 hour 96 hours 72 hours 8 days





1) Medium Duty PVC-U Solvent Cement    


Medium Duty PVC-U Solvent Cement for plumbing applications up to 50 mm (2”)
(Meets ASTM D 2564 standard)

ml 118 237 473
Container Tin Tin Tin


2) Heavy Duty PVC-U Solvent Cement

Heavy Duty PVC-U Solvent Cement for plumbing applications above 50 mm (2”)
(Meets ASTM D 2564 standard)

ml 118 237 473
Container Tin Tin Tin


3) Primer for PVC-U plumbing applications (Meets ASTM F 656)

ml 237
Container Tin

Additional information

• Use pipes, fittings and solvent cements manufactured by Finolex Industries for best results.

• Installation should be completed as per instructions and recommended safe practices must be followed.

• Clean the pipe and fittings with a clean dry cloth to remove any dirt.

• Keep pipe and fittings in the original packaging until needed.

• In case any crack is found in the pipe, cut a minimum of 25mm length beyond the edge of the crack.

• Cut the pipe as square or perpendicular as possible before making a joint.

• Ensure no sharp edges are in contact with the fittings surface while inserting the pipe.

• Ensure proper alignment of pipe and fittings to avoid stress on the joints.

• Ensure installation is done in such a way that there are no chances of air entrapment.

• Use only teflon tape as a thread sealant.

• Always conduct hydraulic pressure testing after installation to detect any leaks and faults.

• Wait for the appropriate cure time before pressure testing. Fill lines slowly and allow air to escape from the
  system prior to pressure testing.

• Paint pipes exposed to sunlight with a water-based paint.

• Provide additional support to the brass side of ASTM/brass transition or other for keeping any heavy object to
  support the weight of the metal system.

• Do not use metal hooks or nails to support/hold or put pressure on the pipes.

• Do not use straps and hangers with rough or sharp edges. Do not tighten the straps over the pipes.

• Never expose the pipe to open flame while trying to bend it.

• Do not drop pipes on edges from heights. Do not drop heavy objects on pipes or walk on pipes.

• Do not use air or gases for pressure testing.

• Do not use any other petroleum or solvent-based sealant, adhesive, lubricant or fire-stop material on ASTM 
  pipes & fittings.

• Do not use ASTM pipes and fittings for pneumatic applications.

• Do not use the ASTM piping system to support any metallic components.

• Do not use ASTM solvent cement that exceeds its shelf life, has become discoloured or has gelled.

• ASTM Pipes and Fittings are manufactured as per ASTM D 1785 and ASTM D 2467.
• Heavy Pressure Plumbing Pipes are manufactured conforming to IS 4985 (Bureau of Indian Standards).
• Tested & approved by CIPET & SGS laboratory.
• Recommended by leading plumbing consultants pan India.


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