Sewerage Pipes

Sewerage pipes

Finolex underground drainage & sewerage pipes are intended to carry soil and waste from building to sewers or drains and then to treatment plants or disposal points. Finolex underground drainage and sewerage pipes are recommended for buildings where hygiene is a prerequisite such as hospital, hotels, school etc. They can also be used for rainwater collection and disposal. Finolex sewerage pipes are specially designed for underground - non pressure applications like gravity drainage, sewer flow and transportation of soil & waste discharge.

Finolex underground drainage and sewerage pipes are an ideal replacement of CI and DI piping systems because they are lightweight, corrosion free and long lasting. These pipes are 100% water tight, which makes them free from ingress and seepage of water, thus ensuring hygiene.

Finolex brings its trademark quality and precision stamp to its sewerage pipes to assure consumers of the best sanitary experience, by promising superior strength and durability. Our stringent quality assurance approach across all stages of manufacturing gives the product a high degree of reliability, which makes Finolex underground drainage and sewerage pipes a preferred choice of leading MEP consultants, architects, builders, plumbing contractors, plumbers and quality conscious people across the country.

These pipes are available in sizes 110, 160, 200, 250 and 315 mm in stiffness classes of SN-2, SN-4 & SN-8 and conform to IS 15328. Sewerage pipes come with selfit and ringfit sockets in a standard length of 3 & 6 meters. Selfit pipes are self-socketed and can be joined with the help of solvent cement; while Ringfit pipes need no threading or solvents for jointing and can withstand high pressures. Sewerage ringfit pipes are made with EPDM rubber rings that are long lasting and can withstand high pressures. For ease of jointing and to ensure better insertion, the use of Finolex rubber lubricant is recommended.

Sewerage Pipes
Features & Benefits
  • Non-reactive to most acids, alkalis, effluents, salt, minerals etc
    Non-reactive to most acids, alkalis, effluents, salt, minerals etc
  • Self-socketed pipes
    Self-socketed pipes, allow for 50% savings in installation time, as compared with plain ended pipes
  • Smooth inner surface reduces frictional losses and scale formation
  • Corrosion and rust proof
    Corrosion and rust proof
  • Does not support fire and provides a good resistance to combustion
  • Not subjected to galvanic or electrolytic action as PVC-U is a non-conductor of electricity


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Sewerage Pipe Applications: Gravity drainage
Gravity drainage
Applications: Transportation and discharge of industrial effluents
Transportation and discharge of industrial effluents
Sewerage Pipe Applications: Drainage of surface water
Drainage of surface water (storm water)
Sewerage Pipe Applications: Sewer flow for transportation of soil and waste
Sewer flow for transportation of soil and waste discharge of domestic origin

Technical Details

• For Selfit Pipes :

1. Measuring : Measure the required length of pipe and marking done.
2. Cutting : The pipe must be cut in a square shape. The base of the fitting socket needs a rubber ring to seal it, since an angled cut may result in leakage.
3. Deburring & Chamfering : All the burr must be removed from the inside and outside of the pipe with a knife, file or de-burring tool. A 10° – 15° chamfer must be made at the end of the pipe.
4. Cleaning : The surface dirt, grease or moisture must be removed with a clean dry cloth.

5. Solvent Cement Application : An even layer of cement should be applied to the outer side of the pipe and a medium layer of the plumbing solvent cement to the inside of a fitting.
6. Assembly : Join the pipe and fitting socket till in contact with the socket bottom. Hold the pipe and fitting together until the pipe does not retract. The excess cement can be removed from the exterior surface of the pipe and fitting. A properly made joint will show a continuous bead of cement around the perimeter of the pipe and fitting.

• For Ringfit Pipes :

1. Cleaning : The surface dirt, grease or moisture must be removed with a clean dry cloth.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
2. Rubber Ring fitment : Take rubber ring & clean for surface dirt of any & insert in pipe groove by hand.
3. Cutting : he pipe must be cut in a square shape. The base of the fitting socket needs a rubber ring to seal it, since an angled cut may result in leakage.
4. Chamfering and cleaning : The surface dirt, grease or moisture must be removed with a clean dry cloth.  A 10° – 15° chamfer must be made at the end of the pipe.

5. Lubricant application : Apply lubricant even layer on rubber ring prior to insertion.
6. Assembly : Push the pipe in integrated ring socket end.





PVC-U Solvent Cement for SWR
Drainage & Sewerage Applications As per IS : 14182

ml 100 250 500 1000
Container Tin Tin Tin Tin



Rubber Lubricant used for installation of Ringfit pipes and fittings

gms 50 100 250 500 1000
Container Plastic Container


Outside diameter
of pipe
Outside diameter
of pipe
Approx No. of
Joints/Ltr. of
Finolex Solvent Cement
110 4” 50
160 6" 28
200 8” 15
250 10” 9
315 12” 5

Additional information


• Pipes are manufactured conforming to IS 15328 (Bureau of Indian Standards).

• Tested & approved by Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET).


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